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Hirsch/Green Transportation provides high-quality, comprehensive and solution-oriented transportation consulting and traffic engineering services to both private and public sector clients.  We bring substantial knowledge and experience to all areas of transportation planning and traffic engineering.

Services We Specialize in:

  • CEQA Traffic and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Impact Studies

  • Non-CEQA Trip Generation, Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Public Transportation Studies

  • Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP/TMP) for Hillside Development Projects

  • Parking Demand and Utilization Studies

Our Expertise Also Includes:

  • Development of Traffic Impact Mitigation Strategies and Improvements

  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Programs

  • Change of Use Evaluations

  • Project Development Strategies Related to Transportation Issues

  • VMT, Traffic , and Parking Analyses for Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) and Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration (ND/MND) Documents

  • Sight Distance and Vehicular Queuing Evaluations

  • Loading Dock and Site Access Evaluations

  • Worksite Traffic Control Plans

  • Striping/Signing Plan Design and Processing

  • Presentation of Studies at Public Hearings

Specific Services
Cars in traffic

Traffic and VMT Impact Studies

California State Senate Bill 743 changed the way that transportation impacts are evaluated under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  No longer focusing on measuring automobile delay and level of service (LOS), SB743 directs lead agencies to assess project transportation impacts based on Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT).  This transportation metric promotes the establishment of coordinated and sustainable multi-modal transportation systems.


Trip Generation, Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit  Studies

Separate from the CEQA requirements, analyses of a project's potential effects on local area pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit assessments are frequently required.  These evaluations are designed to identify and, if necessary, mitigate any environmental impacts and/or deficiencies within the project vicinity that are created by the development project.

Specific Services (2nd Row)
Construction Workers

Construction Traffic Management Plans for Hillside Neighborhood Construction

Traffic Management Plans (TMP) address safety, access, and circulation concerns related to the construction activities of developments located along narrow streets, primarily within hillside neighborhoods, and are often required as part of a project's approval process.

Car Park

Parking Demand and Utilization Studies

These studies identify and evaluate the parking demand characteristics of a project in order to determine the appropriate amount of parking necessary to support existing or proposed projects, and to minimize the potential for parking impacts on nearby residential neighborhoods and/or adjacent or nearby commercial developments.

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